
Monday, September 10, 2012

Profiles in courage..right here in St. Kitts and Nevis

I've spent the last few months interviewing nominees for the second annual Remarkable Teens program - this year expanded to include Nevis - selecting recipients, and gathering information that will help me tell the story of each honoree.  I've finally finished writing the profiles, and as always happens during this process, through telling the stories of these young people, I have come to know courage, commitment, determination and faith that has moved me beyond words.

The generosity of spirit, the personal responsibility, the capacity for connectedness that they not only manifest in their own lives, but invoke in others, inspires me to be a better person.  By choosing what they can do with a positive attitude even in the face of adversity, they have chosen the freedom to own their life;  by choosing meaning and purpose, they have made their young lives matter.

I thought I'd be home in October after a stop in New York to see Sarah, but there's been a new development here. I’ve been asked by the Minister to extend my commitment until after the 25 Most Remarkable Teens in St. Kitts and Nevis program is completed.  The date for the Federal Parliament Presentation is November 21, 2012. Since I’m the program lead they feel my presence is necessary both for the continued training of youth department staff in program operations to ensure sustainability, and for the successful 2012 program implementation. 
It's only an extra few weeks, but I know it's disappointing to the girls, especially when I've been gone for so long and the presentation falls on the night before Thanksgiving.  But they have always been supportive and are proud of the work I do; understanding that it matters to the kids here that I follow through too.
I'd like to give you a little back story on how this transpired, but  I can't really get into the politicking behind it all, though I can say it's been potentially divisive and definitely influenced my decision to extend.  It will be interesting to see how it plays out, but in the meantime the Peace Corps has approved the extra month and we'll be able to leave St. Kitts and Nevis on a high note which is important to all of us. 
For me personally, it was a difficult decision, because I’ve been ready to go home for months now – I miss family, friends, and all things familiar– and I need to find a paying job a.s.a.p., but I also have a lot of time and emotion invested in these kids and the promises I’ve made to them – and if another month here will ensure that those promises are kept, I don’t see that I have any other choice but to stay.
There is another interesting twist too:
One of the recipients we selected as Scholar Athlete for the 25 Most Remarkable Teens program in 2006 (Tyler Clary) - the first year I started the program in Riverside – won the Gold Medal at the Olympics.  I told the Minister about him – the Minister was actually at the Olympics and remembers seeing Tyler swim.   Anyway, he asked if I could get Tyler to come to St. Kitts – travel and lodging at the Marriott courtesy of the government – to participate in the Federal Parliament presentation on November 21; reading the profile for the 2012 Scholar Athlete from St. Kitts in Parliamentary Chambers.  I contacted Tyler’s mom last week, and she spoke to Tyler and emailed me back that he is very interested in participating.  She said she'd let me know for sure regarding his schedule today or tomorrow.
Personally, I think this is so cool, inspiring for the kids here – dream big, work hard, never give up kind of inspiring – great PR for the program and the importance of youth recognition, and a real boost for community buy-in, a valuable component to ensuring long term sustainability.  It really feels like the program's come full circle to represent  the best of what these kinds of efforts can accomplish.
This will be the last Thanksgiving away from home – and I will be back for leftovers, which are always best anyway.   
And so it goes on September 10, 2012. 

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