
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mercury in retrograde. The most precarious time of year.

Mercury is in retrograde until April 4th.  It started on March 12th and this occasion is notorious for screwing up anything involving technology, communication, transportation, and legal matters and drudging up problems (or people) from the past you thought were gone for good.  And while any Mercury retrograde is sure to wreak havoc in these areas in some way -- big or small - for everyone, it also affects each of us a bit differently, depending on our sun sign.

I'm a Gemini and and though I adhere to the theory that the "best laid plans of mice and men often go awry,"  this current run of bad luck has been driving me crazy.  Then I read the astrological forecast for Gemini during Mercury's backward dance:  "... on the 23rd (of March) it moves into your professional sector and a work project could get totally screwed up. Patience is key."   And here's what happened: 

I'm launching the first project for the Youth Volunteer Corps (YVC) this weekend.  50 kids will be volunteering their time to work on a community service project they had voted on during our last workshop, but unfortunately it will not be the project I organized months ago, since that one fell apart late last week.

After meeting with representatives from the two Rotary clubs on the island several times since January and meeting with the Principal of one of the primary schools, I had arranged that the YVC would paint the stage and mural at the school, paint the breezeway and  the walls surrounding the school, and work on the agricultural area behind the school. It was to be a partnership between Rotary, Education and the Department of Youth: Rotary would provide supplies and supervision, Education the site, and the Department of Youth would provide the kids, lunch and refreshments. 

Friday morning it started. Rotary won't work on government properties unless government provides the supplies - in this case Public Works needs to supply the paint.  Public Works won't supply the paint because the Principal of the school didn't give them enough notice and besides they're not on the list for paint this year.  Agriculture already has a "plot" staked out at the school and they have authority over anyone else so we can't do agricultural work at the school even though the plot is nothing but a pile of dirt last I looked, and finally Rotary won't get involved with agricultural work anyway unless the school has their own supplies, which they don't.  So no on the paint, no on the agriculture aspect, no on the school.  Back to Rotary. 

As a secondary project on that same date, we were supposed to help Rotary plant trees along a section of the road by the Port that one of the Rotary groups had adopted to care for, but when I asked my contact for the logistics of this plan so I could rethink how to organize the kids for Saturday, I was told that the trees aren't ready for planting.  So no Rotary.

Between yesterday and today I put together a last minute project to clean up one of the beaches, and it is something that needs to be done no question, but it is not the kind of  project I wanted the kids to experience as a first time effort.  The school would have allowed them to actually see the impact of their efforts for a long time, the beach will be dirty again as soon as the fishermen come back on Monday morning. Nonetheless, I didn't want to lose the energy we have created with the expectation of this weekend launch, not for the kids or for the community; so we'll be cleaning the beach, happy to have a project to get us started, even if we have to do it retrograde.

Friday was March 23rd.  See what I mean?  Hard not to drink the kool aid. 

And so it goes on Tuesday, March 27, 2012, eight more days until Mercury gets it right again.

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